Asociación de Vuelo Libre Española - Ala Delta y Parapente
Asociación de Vuelo Libre Española - Ala Delta y Parapente

Foreign pilots Covid19

New normality:

In Spain it means that competencies go back to each of the 17 different communities, excepting mobility.  There are no restrictions on mobility inside national territory.

Regarding sports each community could establish its own regulation. A license could be required to do some sports like freeflying or to access to natural parks.

You can access to every Community web from this link:

Organized  activities are allowed to groups at a maximum of 20 people. Safety measures regarding distances and/or contact must  be taken in account everytime.


In a private vehicle with less than 10 seats there are no restrictions for people that live in the same household. Otherwise, the maximum per row is of two people, and wearing masks is required as well as maintaining the maximum distance.

Mandatory health general measures

  • Maintain a distance of at least 2 meters/6 feet
  • Mask use is mandatory indoors as well as outdoors whenever the safety distance cannot be kept.

There are no special measures for hangliding or paragliding but we strongly recommend respecting the general ones when applied to our sports, i.e., tandem flights, carrying equipment’s, helping to launch… For a more specific information please download the FAI’s document on the link:

  • Appropriate PPEs (Personal Protective Equipment) should be used in case of tandem flights with people not living in your household.
  • It is highly recommendable to carry an alcohol based handrub.
  • Employ good hand hygiene and perform a thorough handwashing.
  • Do not share objects with anyone who does not live in your household. If necessary remember previous point.
  • Respiratory hygiene must be used such as covering nose and mouth with a bent elbow or paper tissue when coughing or sneezing. Dispose of the tissue immediately after use and perform appropriate hand hygiene.
  • Refrain from touching mouth, nose and eyes.
  • Symptoms can include: fever, cough, fatigue, loss of appetite, shortness of breath and muscle pain. Other non-specific symptoms may be a sore throat, nasal congestion, headache, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting.  Loss of smell and taste have also been reported symptoms.

In case of suspecting that you may have contracted covid-19 please contact with the Community Health Department on below specific numbers, or dial 112 main number assigned to all Communities:

Foreign pilots Covid19