From this page you can join the Spanish Free Flight Association, AVLE, as a full member of our Association. There are two ways to register as an AVLE Associate. One as an uninsured partner, and one as an insured partner. As such, when you register as a member of AVLE, you can choose to do so by taking out the Collective Insurance that we have contracted or without it.
Every On December 31st, all associates will be automatically removed from AVLE. We must renew our commitment to the Association year after year. This forces each and every one of us associates. In such a way that those who want to continue being part of AVLE in the next course must again process their registration in the Association. So in no case are the numbers of associates maintained from one year to the next, if this were to happen it would be by chance.
For this reason the campaign of discharges in our Association are realized from the middle of December, for the following course.
To apply for the modality of Member with Insurance, only the registrations made until March 31st of the current year will be accepted. Under no circumstances may membership of the Collective Policy be formalized outside this date.
The annual membership fee for each course will be communicated in due course. The same applies to the group insurance for the following year. Every year the negotiation with the insurance companies is carried out based on the results of the policy in the previous year (number of claims and amount of them), as well as with the history of the policy.
Reminder: in order to take advantage of the collective policy it is compulsory to be a member of AVLE, so the joint cost of both concepts must be paid. At the time AVLE is the Spanish Free Flight Association, is in no way a sports insurance manager, our partners are free flight pilots and it is to them, and only to them, that our services are directed. AVLE will not process the registration in the Collective Policy of any person who is not a free flight pilot.
Before continuing with your registration as an AVLE member for the next course it is essential that you read the Insurance section. Below you will find two forms to register as an AVLE Associate, one as a Member with Insuranceand another as a Member without Insurance, choose the type of associate you prefer.
Welcome to AVLE!