As you know, on December 23rd, the PRUG of the Guadarrama National Park was published, in which the paragliding, the wing and the sailboat are prohibited in the Guadarrama National Park in spite of their recognition in the PORN.
Then, at the initiative of AVLE and CVLA (Club Vuelo Libre Arcones), it was agreed to hire an environmental technician and a lawyer to shape these allegations. It was also felt appropriate to allow other interested clubs and/or entities to participate in this legal act. The Sailing Club of Fuentemilanos agreed to participate in the financing of part of the expenses, and Club NomadAir has participated in some meetings with suggestions and corrections. Finally, pilots from different modalities, clubs and areas of Spain have collaborated in the preparation of files, data searches, suggestions, etc.
After almost two months of dedication, the definitive allegations and the collection of documentation for the provision of annexes have been completed. In AVLE we consider that it is a duty for our sport to share our contributions with all those interested in really defending it, regardless of whether they belong to our association or not.
Presentation of Allegations PRUG Guadarrama Free Flight
We have prepared the allegations in such a way that they can be presented by a collective or an individual. At the same time we have divided the same ones depending on the Autonomous Community in which it is presented, or Madrid or Castilla y León. Below you have the links to download the documentation. Read well the instructions for its correct presentation. At the end we have placed the link to the annexes that we have prepared, common to the whole Park of Guadarrama.
The time limit for the submission of statements of case has expired. We keep downloading these documents in case they serve as a working base for colleagues from other flight zones.
Allegations Community of Madrid
Instructions Presentation by Entities and Collectives:
[download id=”11118″]
Instructions Presentation by Individuals:
[download id=”11115″]
Allegations by Entities and Collectives:
[download id=”11120″]
Allegations by Individuals:
[download id=”11123″]
Allegations Community of Castilla y León
Instructions Presentation by Entities and Collectives:
[download id=”11201″]
Instructions Presentation by Individuals:
[download id=”11136″]
Allegations by Entities and Collectives:
[download id=”11134″]
Allegations by Individuals:
[download id=”11138″]
Annexes Allegations PRUG Guadarrama
[download id=”11140″]